Beautiful Paintings & Prints
Annie Horkan

Studio Bliss Art
To say I love color is an understatement. I am completely obsessed with color. While my subject matter is very important, as is the the technique I choose to convey the image, it is the colors that excite me and drive me to pick up my brush.
Studio Bliss Art offers over two hundred original paintings and numerous giclée print sizes for every painting. Take a blissful journey into color and beauty with which to adorn your soulful walls.
Here you can read about and order my published books while savoring a taste of new books coming soon. My writing passion holds the promise of more good reads on the way.
In2Color Store
In my search for unique, colorful products for my own home, I decided it was time to splash some of my paintings and designs onto both home products and personal accessories for others to enjoy.
Whatever we can imagine, we can create. Many of the problems we face in the world today reflect our creative capacity devoid of our full imaginative potential. On a recent trip to Cuba, I visited the home of artist Jose Fuster in a suburb of Havana. It happened to be my birthday so I was ecstatic to be immersed in Fuster’s imaginative mind manifesting in such color and wonder. The artist transformed his home into a magnificent work of art, and inspired his neighbors to do the same.
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The web has truly created a small world after all in which we can share our experiences, passions, dreams and ideas. We cannot underestimate this collective power of sharing towards the creation of a better world for all. In fact, I sense our globally shared experiences, of both joy and suffering, provides the foundation for us to become more united, more spiritually evolved, more aware of our innate creativity to solve the world’s problems and thus, more capable of healing ourselves and our planet while creating the sustainable change we need and desire.
Land of Enchantment
On a cool September evening while walking up Canyon Road in Santa Fe, the light was pouring down on a sweet flowering trumpet vine that was cascading over and along an old adobe wall. In that moment, I heard a voice that told me one day this would be my home. It wasn’t long after that I began my passion for painting the southwest landscape while living back in Virginia. But it would be another ten years before that prophetic voice came to pass.
Annie Horkan
I was blessed to grow up on a big farm in the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. There is little doubt my passions for nature and beauty were cultivated in this idyllic setting. I spent many a summers day riding bareback on my Pinto pony as we explored the welcome shade of the woods, the rolling hills, the cool running streams and all of nature’s amazing creatures and wildlife.
“ Art appears in many forms. To some degree every human being is an artist, dependent on the quality of his/her growth. Art need not be intended. It comes inevitably as the tree from the root, the branch from the trunk, the blossom from the twig.”
- Robert Henri
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