My Blog
Annie Horkan
Blogs By Category
The Power of Our Dreaming Planet – Part 6, The Healing
Our planet and all of its inhabitants are in need of healing. As humans, we have polluted, poisoned and destroyed vital ecosystems upon which all...
The Power of Our Dreaming Planet – Part 5, The War
We are a warring planet, but it was not meant to be this way. One could say that this divine experiment has gone terribly wrong...
The Power of Our Dreaming Planet – Part 4, The Crime
The interference is responsible for crimes being committed against humanity, the children, the animals and the planet. This deceptive force is like a spider that...
The Power of Our Dreaming Planet – Part 3, The Interference
The interference that plagues all life on this planet is not of this world. It was born before creation in the dark depths of space....
The Power of Our Dreaming Planet – Part 2, The Confusion
It is apparent upon our planet that certain groups of people seek to maintain their positions of power through the total domination and control of...
The Power of Our Dreaming Planet – Part 1, The Deception
What if our planet is not what we think it is? What if we humans are not whom we think we are? What if everything...
Living The True Trinity
Our world is in deep need of living the true trinity. The word trinity conjures up a mental association with religion, but the trinity of...
The Earth’s Healing Narrative To Free Humanity
All life has a story. Great myths and narratives abound upon our planet providing humanity with clues to the past, and our spiritual potential for...
The Human Awakening to The Lost Myth of Creation
There is much discussion, speculation and even evidence circling the planet today regarding a Great Awakening. Simultaneously, our enduring covert enemy, bent upon domination,...
In Defense Of Beauty And The Sentient Earth Mother
I live on the land, upon a small tropical farm. Something inside me calls me to do so. I do not fully understand it in...
The Dreaming Power Of Our Planet
Walk With The Earth our return to living in harmony with natural law… and the dreaming power of our planet There are some...
The Ecstatic Beauty of The Earth’s Art
We live on a beautiful planet whose beauty is designed to fill out hearts with ecstasy. This beauty belongs to the goddess Sophia who splashed...
The Nine Loves To Save Humanity
There is no doubt that we are living in extraordinary times wherein everything seems to be upside down and inside out. Global governments and organizations...
The Art Of Divine Intelligence Over The Imitation of AI
We are living in a brave new world of technocracy that is using artificial intelligence (AI) for an attempted coup to overthrow and dominate humanity’s...
The Perils Of Planetary Dominance
Trees are poems that the Earth writes upon the sky. Kahlil Gibran Humanity is intended to live and thrive in harmonious alignment with our planetary...
The Quest To Master AI For Humanity’s Benefit
Few of us can deny the extraordinary benefits of artificial intelligence as the new technology connecting us globally to one another, and providing a modern...
Living Within A Divine Experiment
The 1999 movie, called The Matrix, rattled many minds with its proposition that our perceived reality was in fact a grand deception under the control...
The Hidden Spirit Of The Earth
Despite all of our advanced technologies and intellectual pursuits, the spirit of the Earth remains seemingly hidden from mankind’s awareness. Long gone are our hunter-gatherer...
Mother Earth’s Climate Correction
The topic of climate change has been at the forefront of global conversation and concern for many decades. Mother Earth’s climate correction is now clearly...
The Dreaming Power Of The Earth’s Creation
Our ever-changing and wondrous planet is steeped in mystery. How the Earth was created has been and continues to be the topic of great debates,...
The Planetary Design To Bloom Where We Are Planted
Few of us can deny that the wonder and beauty of the natural world have been imbued with a planetary intelligence designed for us to...
Why We Need To Walk With The Earth
Life upon planet Earth is like a dream in which so many of her inhabitants struggle to know their true place and purpose here. Our...
Awakening To The Wisdom Of A Cosmic Ecology
We live upon a miraculous planet spinning at Mach speed as it dances around a monstrous fireball at the perfect distance for the sustainable generation...
The Correction Of Animal Abuse Is Humanity’s Way Forward
The foundational principle of natural law is to cause no harm. Human animals are thus guilty of violating this vital ethic by which to live...
Our Role In The Divine Experiment Is Our Freedom From The Matrix
The extraordinary times in which we are now living is marked by we the people’s awakening to a matrix system bent upon lies, corruption and...
Messages For Humanity From The Lost Wisdom Goddess
The real story of the wisdom goddess, Sophia, was lost within the Nag Hammadi codices for thousands of years until these texts were discovered in...
Healing The Polarized Opposition Within Evolutionary Forces
The natural Law of Polarity confirms the dual nature of our universe wherein everything is paired with an identical opposite, and includes the potential for...
Communion With The Earth’s Organic Light
Our modern world is becoming increasingly dominated and penetrated by the artificial light that threatens our human capacity for communion with the Earth’s organic light....
The Healing Of Lost Sacred Wisdom
As I bask in the morning sunlight while sitting on the edge of our farm garden and sipping coffee, I feel myself drift into a...
Waiting For Our Cosmic Invitation
Gazing up at the star-studded night sky when the Milky Way shines in full bloom is enough to draw anyone into the mystery. We all...
Working In Cooperation With Nature Spirits
The wild and wonderful world of nature spirits may remain hidden to those not living close to nature; and even gardeners may fail to recognize...
Communion With The Divine Mind
We are living in a fast-paced, modern era wherein technology is unfolding faster than we can wrap our heads around it, and information overload is...
Beyond Climate Change
Few can dispute the fact that our climate and its predictable patterns are severely changing. While the global warming camp insists that CO2 levels drive...
Healing Our Toxic Planet
Our beautiful blue star planet is suffering. Many of the Earth’s inhabitants, whether consciously or unconsciously, are also suffering as a result. The healing of...
Living In Harmony With Natural Law
For thousands of years, mankind has sought to steamroll along the capacious highway of progress towards advanced technologies while simultaneously abandoning our innate capacity for...
The Sacred Meeting With Sophia
Deep within the emerald forests, beneath the mysteries of the fertile soil and the glistening oceans, and burning in the sunshine and the spiraling evening...
The Truth About Our Cosmic Connection
We live upon a beautiful blue star that radiates the pulse of light and life out into the cosmos as it swirls and spirals in...
The Lost Wisdom Of The Sophia Mythos
Our ancient past is steeped in mythic legends wherein the main characters, gods and goddesses, are attributed with the human traits of emotions and actions...
Walking With The Earth
My new book, Walk With The Earth, our return to living in harmony with natural law, is now available on Amazon. It took me just...
The Difference Between Natural Law And Man Made Law
Our historical past is a repetitive story for the rise and fall of empires and kingdoms whose successes and failures have predominantly relied upon the...
Sacred Feminine Redemption
The long reign of patriarchal domination and control upon our planet feels like a revolving movie script for which a redemptive ending remains blowing in...
The Positive And Negative Expressions Of Natural Law
Natural law is a vibratory force at work within the invisible field in which all living things establish wholeness, order and integrity. Rupert Sheldrake identified...
Feeling Cosmic Consciousness
Cosmic consciousness is our awareness of the cosmic forces at work in our earthly domain. While the term may come with some New Age connotations...
The Guiding Principles Of Natural Law
Natural law is a gift from the source of creation. All creation is governed by the innate guiding principles of natural law designed to help...
Art As A Tool For Transformation
I recently did this painting, Ocean Butterfly, as part of a mural contest here in Vero Beach. The town is seeking to update and beautify,...
The Legendary Wisdom Of Our Ancestors
Many wise souls have stated that we cannot understand the present without the truth and knowledge of the past. Our current times appear to be...
Traveling The Multidimensional Highway
While most of us earthlings would be quick to affirm all the many ways in which communication technology has advanced our world, few may be...
How The Cosmic Forces Support The Earth
Life on our beautiful blue star planet is full of invisible mystery. Both in our waking and sleeping states, we are consciously or unconsciously witnessing...
How Natural Law Can Guide Human Evolution
Our modern world is dominated by an endless stream of man made laws telling us what we can and cannot do. As a people, we...
The Deliberate Intent To Create
I get questions from people often about how I come up with creative ideas for painting, writing or designing. The questions are usually followed by...
Cool Gifts At IN2COLOR
About a year ago, I created a store called IN2COLOR on the Zazzle website. I have to say, it is was very fun and my...
Acrylic Artists And Versatile Creativity
When I was a Fine Art major back in the 1970’s, the pursuit to master the classic painting mediums of oil and watercolor was still...
How Creative People Live Differently
I have attached a great article below that lists the 18 ways of how creative people live differently than those who consider themselves lacking in...
The Significance Of Visionary Art For These Times
It is said that artists are the visionaries of the future. While many artists explore diverse interpretations of seen subjects using the external eye, visionary...
Positive Social Change Through Art And Imagination
As an artist I have witnessed up close and personal the predominant oppression of the arts in our educational institutions. It is a given when...
The Creation Of Beautiful Paintings
The process of creating beautiful paintings is ultimately connected to an artist’s own experience and understanding of beauty. Though most of us have heard it...
What Is Creativity?
For the past few months I have not been able to paint very much. Sometimes other commitments and obligations in life require my full attention....
Color Magic In The Flower Garden
When I was fifteen years old, my father married a Swedish woman, Ann Mari, with a passion for gardening. It was an asset she was...
Flower Power
The flower truly reveals its power when one of the greatest masters of art, Claude Monet, stated he may just owe his life as a...
Endless Landscapes
Few subject matters allow for an artist’s exploration into shape, color and line than endless landscapes, while simultaneously providing the artist with a deep, intrinsic...
The Alchemy Of Art
For some weeks now, I have been pondering my life as an artist. I suppose it is a cumulative response to a series of recent...
Flower Paintings
Claude Monet was famous for saying, ” I perhaps owe having become a painter to the flowers.” I have always loved painting flowers as it...
In May of 1996, I went to Tuscany and Umbria with a friend, a vintner friend at that. Needless to say, vineyards and wine were...
Island Light
I traveled a lot to tropical islands and the sea. I first visited Mexico and Bermuda in the 1980s, and returned to Hawaii for a...
In 1979, my second son arrived, and he was a pistol. Unlike his older brother, Joshua, who was more than content to eat, sleep and...
I did not know as a girl that I would grow up to become an artist. I spent most of childhood outdoors in nature, riding...
Honoring The Divine Feminine
In June of 2004, the planet Venus made one of it’s rare transits across the face of the sun, passing between the sun and...
Baja Art
Water in the high desert of New Mexico where I live is a precious, non-abundant resource. It is for me a necessity to get...
Appalachian Landscape Paintings
I grew up in the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains. The Appalachian Trail runs right along the top of the Blue Ridge....
Chakra Colors
Artists live on the edge with a sensitivity, a receptivity to those golden, unexpected moments when inspiration reveals itself. We cannot force nor make...
Garden Paintings
I have often heard it said that we are closest to God in the garden. It is a different connection in the garden than...
The Land of Enchantment Landscapes
I recall so clearly my very first visit to the high desert over twenty years ago. I thought it was the most desolate, brownest,...
How To Paint A Beautiful Landscape Painting
So you want to paint? It doesn’t matter how much experience you have. If you want to paint, go with the feeling of...
Land of Enchantment
My video of the magical Southwest landscape found in the New Mexico land of enchantment.
Baja Magic
My video about the wonderful life in the small fishing village of Todos Santos in Baja, Mexico.
Moon Roses
My video of beautiful roses illuminated by a full moon with the shades of the roses symbolizing the colors of the seven chakras.
Blissfull Garden
I have often heard it said that we are closest to God in the garden. It is a different connection in the garden than...
Appalachian Landscapes
Most people appreciate a landscape painting, such as the beauty found in Appalachian landscapes. We all like to be reminded of the beauty and wonder...
Blissfull Women
Artists are considered by some as visionaries of the future. The doors to the imagination open for artists who venture there, and discover a realm...
Women In Art
This is exquisite!!! The portraits of women’s faces blending one into the other over five hundred years of women in art.