
Aqua oil on canvas, 14″x18″

The Moon Roses is a series of seven paintings inspired by the seven energy centers in the body known as the “chakras,” which in Sanskrit means wheel or circle. When the chakras are in balance, they are like beautiful flowers in full bloom. When they are out of balance, the petals of the blossom are drooping. I wanted to paint each of the chakras as a lovely rose since the rose is known to have the highest vibration of any flower. I used the full moon as a backdrop, not only to pop the color against the white of the moon, but to represent the energy of the chakras that spins in a circle. I used gold leaf for the stars. These Moon Roses are a gift to you, if meditated on visually, will help you balance and strengthen your chakras so you may always be in full bloom.

Svadhisthana is the sacral chakra located in the lower abdomen, back and sexual organs. This chakra connects us to others sexually with desire and feeling. It signifies all aspects of sexuality and emotions, thus it is closely related to the element of water. This chakra color is orange. When it is in balance, we experience sexual fulfillment, the depth of passion and feelings and the grace to accept change. Our sexuality is also deeply linked to our spirituality.


Original Painting

Giclee Prints