The interference is responsible for crimes being committed against humanity, the children, the animals and the planet. This deceptive force is like a spider that has successfully woven its web across the globe, luring us all into connection with one another and to the internet of all things. It will only become a fatal trap for us if we fail to use our web connection for the benefit of all sentient life. We have a moral responsibility to sift through this global web of information, and use the gifts of our brilliant minds and intuitive souls to discern and recognize the truth from the lies, the right from the wrong and the good from the evil. We cannot allow the world wide web to become a crime scene where in artificial intelligence steals our divine intelligence. The signs of this attempted theft is underway with censorship, fact checking, Smart devices, nanotechnology and the illusion that AI will solve all of our problems. Our daily worship at the AI altar requires temperance to preserve our freedom by which to feel fully alive.
So many crimes have never been solved, but rather a deceptive narrative has been told to hide and justify the criminality. Any attempts by the people to question the narrative is met with threatening force. So long as only a courageous few dare to seek and expose the truth, and the masses trade their sovereign power for the acceptance of lies, these crimes will remain unsolved. A crime cannot be solved until the crime that was committed is clearly known and understood. Since we are now living in times wherein the true morality of so many in power has flown out the window, our grasp of the crimes committed is obfuscated.
A crime is a sin, an immoral act that violates both natural and divine law by causing harm to sentient life. Yet, humanity today appears to be confused not only about the crimes being committed that harm them, but also unclear about the nature of their true rights. Unfortunately, many religions do not provide the correct understanding of objective morality, but rather contribute to this confusion by attempting to define what behaviors are deemed to be sinful. Mark Passio does an excellent job explaining how the church’s seven deadly sins are primarily rooted in one’s internal emotions and self-indulgent acts, which only become sins if the result of these behaviors causes harm to others. Passio then lists the real seven deadly sins, which are murder, rape, theft, assault, deception, coercion and trespass. All of these sins are crimes that involve the theft of one’s true property rights, and thus theft is the root of all sin. Murder is the ultimate theft by stealing a sentient being’s sacred right to life, but it also includes the killing of animals, the plants and soils, the forests and rivers, the oceans and the air we breathe. This also applies to the crimes of assault whereby women, children, animals and the planet are harmfully abused. The crimes of coercion rely upon the crimes of deception, both overtly and covertly, to lead us into endless wars, and subject the population to mind-control technology and weaponized mandates. We the people will never have criminal resolution and true justice until we align ourselves with the universal, innate, immutable, eternal, non- manmade principles of natural and divine laws that govern our understanding of right and wrong actions.
In the global map above from The Ocean Clean Up, the 1,000 worst plastic polluting rivers are marked with large red and white circular markers, while the other 3,000 polluting rivers around the world are marked with small blue markers. This map is interactive on their website so that you can click on a river’s marker to read about how much estimated plastic the river is carrying to into the oceans.
All of the aquatic life in the oceans, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds are being harmed by the ingestion of plastic particles. So, too, are the wildlife, birds and humans who drink and feed from these water sources. Yet, we continue to make almost everything out of plastic. It is not just the industries who are committing this crime, but everyone who treats our waterways as a convenient trash can, and who continue as consumers to buy all this plastic. This is a global crime being committed due to the visible and invisible harm being caused to the planet, animals and humans. This same scenario applies to Big Ag producing toxic pesticides, insecticides fungicides and fertilizers that poison our soils, food, air and water along with killing beneficial insects, the birds and animals that eat them and harming human health. This continues with Big Pharma that makes toxic pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines in the name of health and well being, when these medications are more like weapons to keep one sick and to never heal.
How many animals have died from plastic ingestion or toxic pesticides? How many people have died from pharmaceutical medications? How many people and children have died or been injured from vaccines? Too many. We are adopting a way of life that strays from the harmonious natural laws designed to protect us and all sentient life. We can create alternatives to plastic, adopt the natural farming methods to control pests and regenerate soils and grow the medicinal and adaptogen plants that support and heal our bodies. We will find the courage to wage war on this insanity only when we recognize the true nature of the harmful crimes being committed.
In the meantime, endless investigations into such crimes replace the knowledge needed to wage a truth war and bring an abrupt end to these crimes against humanity and all living things. Since most judicial investigations do not abide by natural or divine laws, but by manmade laws, investigations drag on and on and leave us with incomplete or dubious conclusions, like the assassination of JFK, 9/11, the Maui fire, the pandemic and more. Natural law offers us a superior guiding force over manmade law by which to gain the knowledge of the true laws that govern us, and to restore true, correct morality.
The real enemy is not of this world, and has no use for natural or divine law as it seeks to control, dominate and transform this divine creation into its own making. We have a formidable enemy whose limited power of imitation and substitution will overcome us only if we allow it. We allow it through our ignorance as to who we truly are, our inability to know right from wrong and truth from falsity, the lack of knowledge for the immutable, eternal laws that can guide us to a harmonious world and by forsaking our sovereign, imaginative power to secure real freedom. We continue to live with past unsolved crimes and new ongoing crimes as though they are a natural part of our life, when these crimes are serious violations being used to deceive us and perpetuate enslavement. We are part of the long war being fought against tyranny and slavery, and to win, we must know our enemy well. Our enemy is envious of this divine creation, wherein we humans were gifted with love, knowledge, sovereignty, freedom and imagination. There is nothing we cannot do or dream with such powerful and beautiful gifts. To win this war, we have only to excel as a planet in these gifts, and transform our enslavement in the AI web into a living tapestry of beauty.
Stay tuned for Part 5 – The War