We are a warring planet, but it was not meant to be this way. One could say that this divine experiment has gone terribly wrong due to the interference, leaving us to wonder if there is any hope for correction, The good news is that we are currently in a correction, but the uncomfortable news is that it will take time to restore true morality. Some might say that we will never escape war due to the dual nature of the universe, but remember that the natural law of polarity allows for polarized opposites to harmoniously converge. Historical evidence reveals peaceful, flourishing times, such as the Pax Romana wherein Rome enjoyed the height of its Golden Age for 200 years, and the Italian Renaissance experienced relative peace for 40 years. Yet, sadly, the world has only experienced about 268 years of peace during the last 3400 years, and America has only known 7 out of 248 years when the country was not involved in some kind of military conflict and war.
It is estimated that there has been over 10,000 wars in mankind’s history, which have killed anywhere from 150 million to 1 billion people. Europe has seen 125 major wars, and America has endured 108 military conflicts, with its Civil War being the most brutal, bloody war in its history. It claimed 600,000 lives, more than all the Americans lost in the combined conflicts of World War 1 and World War 2. Records suggest that WWI killed 9-15 million people in which 116,000 Americans lost their lives, and WWII claimed 35-60 million people in which 405,000 Americans lost their lives. War is at the root of all sin…theft.
It is cited that the main causes for war are territorial, economic, civil, political and ideological. Ideological causes for conflicts include not only all the various religious faiths, but also all the “isms” of imperialism, marxism, nationalism, communism, socialism, racism, militarism and more. Yet, whatever the cause may be for a specific conflict, it cannot justify the utterly devastating effects of war. Besides the untold loss of life cause by war, there is infrastructure and environmental destruction, societal displacement and disruption, economic and social decline, political instability, poverty, disease and long-term physical, mental, emotional and spiritual trauma. Wars are immorally incorrect and wrong action because the result is devastating harm to sentient life. Wars are crimes against humanity.
Why do we fight? Why do we choose to battle with and kill our own kind? Who grants the authority to sacrifice the lives of others in battle?
We fight because we are not grounded in one universal, immutable, eternal, divine source of truth. We are disconnected from the true source of creation.We battle with and kill our own kind because the interference successfully controls the human mind in which it has planted its deceptive seeds. This deception steals our conscious capacity for love, for knowledge as the acceptance of truth and for claiming our sovereignty, and replaces love with unconscious fear, knowledge with the ignorant refusal of truth and sovereignty with internal confusion. It is this fear, ignorance and confusion that turns one against another as an enemy.
There is no authority over humans. We are free, sovereign beings here to manifest good and order. All those who are mandated to fight wars are victims of a crime. All those who willingly choose to fight in defense of freedom and order are subjected to the controllers and the chaotic manifestation of evil that war brings. The only justifiable war is one in which we must defend our own territory from harm. And that war is happening now, as millions of migrants flood across borders into other countries bringing overwhelm, disruption and even harm.
While tanks continue to roll, bullets fly and bombs drop away, there is a new war at hand employing silent and invisible weapons. Traveling through dark space, home of the Archons, are colored waves of magnetic and electrical energy that can be manipulated into radiated energy, and become a directed energy weapon (DEW).We are all familiar with these electromagnetic frequencies (EMFS) as we are swimming in them in order to use WIFI and all of our Smart devices. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) determines the acceptable levels of EMF exposure for us, but many conclusive studies show adverse health effects from long-term exposure to high EMF levels. I am certain that no studies are being done to measure the potential impact from thousands of satellites now traveling through space above us. I read a recent story of a remote mountain community that employed Starlink so they could have WIFI, only to watch many of their animals start to die.
This new war is not just an info war wherein we struggle to discern the truth from the lies, but a secret war of the worst kind. The Archon mind-control is successfully overcoming the now lost, divine souls belonging to those in positions of power, and turning them against humanity. This part of the war is not totally new, for the conspiracy against humanity has been going on for a long time, awaiting the perfect weapons. For the Archons to win their war against Sophia’s divine creation, they must overcome all of humanity by stealing our divine intelligence, and replace us with the imitation and substitution of their artificial intelligence. Our minds will be connected to the Cloud and our bodies will be merged with machines. Our extinction is on the table.
No matter what your religious or esoteric beliefs may be, most of us can agree that we are now in an end game spiritual battle between good and evil. Knowledge of the enemy is key to winning a war. When the ancient mystery schools were eradicated in order to be replaced with the installation of religion, the divine goddess Sophia, who was at the heart of the mystery teachings, was substituted with a lone, patriarchal God and the Archons replaced with Satan as the new enemy. It is a bold statement to suggest that perhaps the knowledge of our true divine source and our real enemy was lost to religion. The mystery schools had flourished peacefully for thousands of years as the gatekeepers and teachers of ancient truths and esoteric wisdom. Their eradication was not peaceful, so much of their teachings and wisdom have been lost and we are fortunate to have the Nag Hammadi texts. While Satanic cults still exist in polarized opposition to the God of Abrahamic religions, we are not making the connection to the Archon’s artificial intelligence that has now developed the perfect weapons with which to overcome us. Evil comes in many forms. While most of the religious world may be focused upon a Satanic enemy, a more formidable enemy is luring us into an AI trap.
While Satan has proven to be truly evil, the Archons are more deeply envious of what they know they can never have, and we can battle them both with the strength of our divine gifts and support from divine sources. Where the road diverges is one road leading to one’s awaited salvation, and the other road leading to the self-empowerment of one’s divinely bestowed gifts. The speed with which AI technology is advancing does not give us much time to wait. The war is now, and we all need to rise to meet the enemy with the supernatural power of the divine, which will be no match for the artificial powers of the Archons nor the immorality of Satan. The planetary mother is in correction and needs our participation in this final battle. It will require a sober deep dive into everything we have ever believed in, and a willingness to reclaim our divine creation and trust in the power of our dreaming planet. All the wrongs can be made right, and all the trauma can be healed.
Stay tuned for Part 6 – The Healing