The Dreaming Power Of Our Planet


Walk With The Earth
our return to living in harmony with natural law…
and the dreaming power of our planet


There are some who speak of a time called Zep Tepi, the first time of man, wherein our species lived in harmony with the natural laws of creation, and thrived within nature’s bountiful resources.

A paradisiacal time without seasons before the Earth’s axis began to wobble and tilt, and gentle rains became raging storms…

before man’s existence became a challenge for survival.

The truth of our history may not be the truth we think we know, and the knowledge of our ancestors has been buried like treasure.
Who, what, when, where and how did such a deception occur?

The evolutionary odyssey of humanity has been marked by our enslavement to the dogmatic beliefs constructed by authoritative substitution…rather than by our freedom to dream as masters of our own destiny.

We are wittingly or unwittingly being led down a negative path of fear and ignorance…which can only lead to the confusion of more control and enslavement…and the inevitable manifestation of chaos.
We must choose to lead ourselves down the positive path of love and knowledge…which will grant us our sovereign freedom and the ultimate creation of goodness and order.

The road of natural law requires our compassionate and courageous hearts to care…to cause no harm…and to speak the forgotten word NO.

If we fail to defend our courage to care, we will fail to defend the freedom we love.

We are energy beings…receivers and transmitters of earthly and cosmic frequencies. Fear is a low frequency that prevents us from burning bright…love is a high frequency that activates all of our genetic lights to shine. When we the people unite and choose to burn bright, the shadows of deception will be exposed for all to see.

No amount of artificial intelligence or Smart technology will ever replace humanity’s divine brilliance nor the divine wisdom of the Earth’s organic light.

We are here to become a co-creative, not co-destructive, force.

It is within each individual’s free will choice to realize oneself as a co-creator whose every thought, word, feeling and action contributes to the collective frequency. The world our hearts are longing for exists within our shared and harmonious alignment to
our true creator source and life force whose divine principles guide and govern all of creation…

and whereby we can unify in all of our diversity upon a common ground that transcends all race, color and creed.

It is time to take our power and our planet back.

It is time to walk with our divinely wise and sentient Earth now…

through her green fields…

across her grassy plains…

deep into her forests…

high into her mountains…

beside her running rivers…

around her crystal lakes…

along her ocean shores…

under her starry skies…

beneath her warmth of sunshine…

below her sky of blue…

and breathe…

breathe in the pure bliss of the Earth’s organic light…

and breathe out the deceptive shadows we have allowed to reign for far too long.

The cold is coming to cleanse and correct our mistakes. We will remember the power in the ground beneath our feet through her shaking and her fire.

Dare we choose to dream in sync with her dreaming?
Dare we choose to be awake in her divine experiment?
Dare we choose our destiny as a healing planet of love?

Walk with the Earth?
Why would you want to walk with anyone else…

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