Our historical past is a repetitive story for the rise and fall of empires and kingdoms whose successes and failures have predominantly relied upon the efficiency of mental constructs by which to rule and steer humanity’s destiny. The established beliefs in which the natural world was to be dominated, feared and exploited have rendered mankind isolated and disconnected from the guiding principles innate to creation. The truth of our moral compass has been usurped in favor of a false authority whose immoral domain has left us drowning in a turbulent sea of dramas and dogmas. It should be clear by now that man’s laws are inferior to the supreme laws of creation unless man made laws are created in harmonious alignment with the truth and knowledge of natural, universal and spiritual laws. Mankind must begin to discern the difference between natural law and man made law if we are going to restore and preserve our divine evolutionary path.
The guiding principles of natural law, with which you can become familiar here, provide us with the the morally correct path to co-create a loving world. Our choice to choose love over fear is backed by a universal guarantee for our attainment of true understanding with which to sustain sovereignty, freedom, harmony and order. Our vibrational alignment with the principles and truth bound within natural law is our return to the flow of creation wherein our moral compass is restored. Man made law is vulnerable to immorally incorrect and erroneous beliefs when man’s knowledge and understanding fail to harmonize with the laws of creation. For our universe operates within the wisdom of harmonic resonance, and our inability to attune with this wisdom is the cause of our separation and suffering; and the effect is our blind allegiance to the negative expressions of natural law rather than our loyalty to the positive expressions. Man’s dogmatic beliefs are rooted in mental constructs that disregard the integrity of emotional, physical and spiritual components. How do we comply with man made laws that do not consider the totality of the whole person? The laws of man confine us to an ultimatum for which our failure to comply becomes our fear of punishment.
Natural laws define universal truth that transcends all race, color and creed while man’s laws attempt to restrict the right to sovereign freedom based upon one’s race, color and creed. If all men are created equal, then the creation of man made laws to suit the bias of locales or conditions is a violation of natural law. Human beings do not possess the authority to dictate written laws under the guise of moral relativism that utterly destroys one’s sovereignty and freedom. Our moral sphere is determined by our alignment to the laws of creation, not by the moral relativity bound within man’s mutable laws. We cannot trade our internal self-mastery to know right from wrong for the moral whims of external authority to dictate moral correctness from immoral incorrectness. Our ethical guidance is embedded within the eternal and immutable laws of the universe that supersedes the limitations of ever-changing moral relevancy. Natural law grants us the morally correct principles as trustworthy guidance to prevent our enslavement within immorally incorrect governance. We must heed the lost generative principle of care by which to say NO to moral relativism, and YES to the immutable laws governing the universe and all creation. Mankind has a moral obligation to check and correct the dogmatic beliefs being imposed upon them so as to defend our sovereign freedom, and to maintain the harmonious and natural order at the heart of our existence. Our moral accountability demands that we understand the difference between natural law and man made law.